Marja Böök

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General description

I work as a senior lecturer in the Department of Education at the University of Jyväskylä, in the Education and Adult Education. I teach in basic, subject and advanced studies and supervise bachelor’s and master’s theses. I also supervise doctoral theses. I have the title of docent from the University of Oulu, Faculty of Education. The area of my docentship is family research in the field of education.

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Research interests

My research focuses on parenthood and family. I am currently researching co-parenting in the transition to parenthood with the data from the CopaGloba-Learning to coparent research project. Together with my colleague J. Terävä, I am also studying (co)parenting after separation from the perspectives of mothers, fathers and children.

Fields of science

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Personal keywords

parenthood, coparenthood, post-divorce parenthood, qualitative research

Projects as Team Member

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Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 21:11