Waqar Shah


I am a doctoral researcher at the Center for Applied Language Studies (CALS), University of Jyväskylä, Finland. I am originally from Pakistan with university teaching and research experience of over 7 years. I teach (critical) Applied Linguistics, critical discourse studies (CDS), and academic writing for research and publication. As a young researcher, I have successfully published in top tier international journals, including TESOL Quarterly, Critical Discourse Studies (CDS), Linguistics & Education, Accountability in research, Learning, Culture and Social Interaction and others. As a part of my international research mobility, I have attended Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research, Brauwnshweig, Germany and University of Valencia (UV), Spain supported by the Erasmus+ FORTHEM Alliance program.

Aktiiviset JYU-affiliaatiot

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My research contributes to Critical Discourse Studies (CDS) as a broader field. I examine how school textbooks and curricula embody conflicting discourses that shape learners' contested subject positions in language classes. In addition, I also study teachers' engagement with the learners and teaching materials in socially and epistemologically diverse classrooms. This leads me to understand teacher agency as well as academic conformity in educational spaces, more specifically in second/foreign language education. In believe in a theoretical dialogue between the Southern and Northern traditions in Critical Discourse Studies drawing on Marxist-based CDA, post-structuralism, Southern feminism, Decolonial scholarship. I am interested in a range of topics, such as constitution of national identities, Otherisation, gendered subjectivities, coloniality, neoliberalism, and religious discourses.


Omat asiasanat

critical discourse analyst; teacher; doctoral researcher

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-17-04 klo 21:25