Artificial Intelligence anD Large Language Models In educaTion (ADMIT) (ADMIT)


Rahoittajan antama koodi/diaarinumero101134520

Päärahoittajan myöntämä tuki (€)

  • 33 600,00


Hankkeen aikataulu

Hankkeen aloituspäivämäärä01.01.2024

Hankkeen päättymispäivämäärä31.12.2026


ChatGPT was initially released in November 2022, immediately sparking educator discussions on its use and implications. Some educational institutions rapidly developed policies or guidelines to restrict its use, while other began to experiment with ways in which it could be used to support both learners and educators.

The tool is already being used to encourage students to dig deeper into a subject, to support students in writing good introductions to a topic, and to help students make smooth transitions between points in their essays. Some educators are taking steps to limit the possibilities for using the tool to cheat on assessments. These steps include using authentic assessment methods, setting clear expectations, encouraging students to cite sources, and using plagiarism detection software.

These practices were in use within days of the tool’s first stable release, and it is reasonable to expect that practices will evolve quickly in the next three years. These changes will be prompted by more use-cases coming to light, detailed research taking place, and the launch of other tools with related capabilities.

1. Assessing current developments on the impact of LLM on education 2023-2026 (WP2): iteratively keeping track of the latest developments of research and innovation on the use of LLM/generative AI in digital higher education over the project lifetime
2. Mapping practices in the partnership: investigating good practices related to the use of LLM/generative AI/ChatGTP as a tool impacting on the design and development of learning activities and courses, including leadership in this area;
3. Developing models and guidelines on the use of LLM/generative AI as an evidence-based tool in teaching and learning design;
4. Developing recommendations and guidelines related to the ethical use of LLM/generative AI in education and the role of leadership and institutional policy
5. Organizing continuing professional development of staff and leadership for the use of LLM/generative AI in teaching and learning design the role of educational and ethical leadership related to LLM/generative AI in European universities
6. Implementing a communication and dissemination plan on the use of LLM/generative Ai in higher education and related institutional leadership

Vastuullinen johtaja

Muut hankkeeseen liittyvät henkilöt (JYU)

Päävastuullinen yksikkö


ProfiloitumisalueDigitalization in and for learning and interaction (Jyväskylän yliopisto JYU) JYU.LearnDigi

Viimeisin päivitys 2024-21-05 klo 11:10