Palvelukulttuuria uudistamalla kaikki mukaan digitaaliseen yhteiskuntaan (DigiIn)

Tutkimusta rahoitti strategisen tutkimuksen neuvosto, joka toimii Suomen Akatemian yhteydessä.


Rahoittajan antama koodi/diaarinumero327149

Päärahoittajan myöntämä tuki (€)

  • 439 199,00


Hankkeen aikataulu

Hankkeen aloituspäivämäärä01.06.2019

Hankkeen päättymispäivämäärä28.02.2023


The increase of digital health and welfare services demands a cultural change from organisations, professionals and citizens. As the new services support self-management and self-service, citizens are expected to step into a more skilled and active role, while professionals need to change their work processes and professional identity. There is a severe risk that new digital services will increase social exclusion if the service culture is not sufficiently adapted to support the most vulnerable groups such as older people, migrants, substance abusers, prisoners, and people with mental disorders. The service processes need to be redefined to include the digitalised steps and support for clients. This requires fundamental changes in professionals’ work and organizational processes, which may also endanger the success of digital services. The present project focuses on the increased digitalisation of health and welfare services and aims to find solutions to keep everybody along and alleviate the social inequality in the increasingly digitalised society.

We will address these issues by focusing on five, inter-linked themes: 1) Preventing social exclusion with engaging digital services, 2) Promoting organisations’ and professionals’ new service and work culture, 3) Enhancing inclusion of older people in digital service culture, 4) Tackling the challenges of digitalisation in multicultural society and 5) Supporting socially marginalised groups with the use of digitalised public services.

To get a broad view of the phenomenon we will use a wide range of research methodologies. We will utilize large national panel and consecutive cross-sectional surveys to eHealth service providers, professionals and specific groups in endanger of exclusion. To get a more in-depth view, we will utilize qualitative methods such as case studies, eHealth service trials, policy analyses, interviews, focus groups, and ethnographic study methods. Moreover, we will conduct a quasi-experimental intervention study about possibilities to use digital tools among older people.

The societal impact and dissemination of the results of the project are warranted because of the well-established connections of the partners with the essential stakeholders. As a result of this project, the service culture is transformed to better support social inclusion; solutions will be created for supporting professionals and organisations in this change and the interaction between digitalisation and different cultures will be promoted.

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-17-04 klo 12:57