Liittyvät julkaisut ja muut tuotokset
- Luova toimijuus osana muuttuvaa toimintaympäristöä (2024) Forsman, Panu; B1; OA
- Personality and public sector employment in Finland (2024) Maczulskij, Terhi; et al.; A1; OA
- Technostress in Work-Related Use of Social Virtual Reality (2024) Khan, Bakhtawar Aurangzeb; et al.; A4; OA; 978-1-958200-10-0
- The costs of job loss and task usage : Do social tasks soften the drop? (2024) Kauhanen, Antti; et al.; A1; OA
- Creativity in a changing work organisation : an ethnographic study of practised agency and emerging creativity (2023) Forsman, Panu; G4; OA; 978-951-39-9771-7
- Effects of 12-Month Training Intervention on Physical Fitness, Body Composition, and Health Markers in Finnish Navy Soldiers (2023) Myllylä, Mikko; et al.; A1; OA
- Hybrid Work : Gen Z Expectations and Internal Employer Branding Implications (2023) Yacine, Leyla; et al.; A3; OA; 978-1-003-26775-1
- Language, Migration and In/Exclusion in the Workplace (2023) Angouri, Jo; et al.; C2; 978-1-80041-696-3
- Losing a job and (dis)incentives to move : Interregional migration in Finland (2023) Maczulskij, Terhi; et al.; A1; OA
- Työttömien haastattelut edistävät työmarkkinoiden kohtaantoa (2023) Huuskonen, Jussi; et al.; D1; OA