Medialukutaidon ja digitaalisten taitojen uudelleen arviointi Euroopassa (REMEDIS)
Rahoittajan antama koodi/diaarinumero: 353964
Päärahoittajan myöntämä tuki (€)
- 54 795,00
Hankkeen aikataulu
Hankkeen aloituspäivämäärä: 01.10.2022
Hankkeen päättymispäivämäärä: 31.10.2025
Adopting an evidence-based approach to REinvent MEdia literacy and DIgital Skills in Europe, REMEDIS seeks to further develop and evaluate intervention strategies in response to existing gaps in media literacy and digital skills in Europe. To accomplish this, REMEDIS 1) seeks to provide evidence-based factors influencing media literacy, digital skills and wellbeing in a large number of empirical (mostly quantitative) studies to inform media and literacy agencies and their partners; 2) to develop improvements through co-design and co-creation that will be implemented in 12 existing initiatives (2 per country involved in REMEDIS) in several life domains that are considered offering the most promise in fostering media literacy and digital skills among the general population or target groups from a lifelong perspective; and 3) develop evidence-based methods and indicators for the evaluation of these interventions. REMEDIS adopts an evidence-based flow in which each WP provides the inputs for each subsequent WP. WP 1: The development of a quantitative evidence base will enable us to identify the driving factors for media literacy and digital skills based on a systematic evidence review. WP 2: Co-development of enhancements and improvements of initiatives considered promising for fostering media literacy and digital skills together with the media literacy agencies and their partners in the six countries in which REMEDIS will operate; WP 3: Evaluation and validation of a selection of intervention strategies informed by the findings of WP 1 and WP 2; WP 4: REMEDIS fully integrates the results of WP3 in partnership with key policymakers/practitioners throughout the project through the implementation of the enhancements as a result of the outcomes of the evaluation strategies. The results of the project will lead to the development of evidence-based policy recommendations and an evaluation toolkit. Further REMEDIS WPs ensure dissemination and communication (WP 5), and exploitation (WP 6).
REMEDIS's concept is that in order to achieve evidence-based approaches to further develop and evaluate initiatives that foster media literacy and digital skills, a truly evidence-based structure must be followed. In accordance with this concept, REMEDIS adopts an innovative research strategy that first seeks to identify and quantify the most salient driving factors for media literacy and digital skills from a lifelong perspective and aims to synthesize the existing evidence concerning the effectiveness of current interventions fostering media literacy and digital skills.
The development of a responsive, forward-looking media literacy and digital skills policy lacks up-to-date knowledge and a deeper understanding of the media and digital literacy needs of citizens (young and older, specific target groups). What should a media-savvy citizen be able to do and know? How can we determine what media and digitally literate individuals or specific target groups are like? If we do not have adequate answers to these questions, we will not know which interventions can be used to foster media literacy and digital skills or how successful these interventions are. It is therefore necessary to provide a synthesis identifying the driving factors for media literacy and digital skills in a concrete, evidence-based manner. Aware of the current gaps and the lack of measurable units, together with the literacy agencies we propose the improvement and enhancement of 12 current initiatives considered representative and promising for fostering media literacy and digital skills in the six countries of REMEDIS. A set of advanced state-of-the-art evaluation methods will be put forward to adequately and validly assess the effectiveness of the intervention strategies aimed at improving the media literacy and digital skills of citizens from a life course perspective and in crucial domains of life.
What media and digital literacy interventions lack is the evaluation component. While it is best practice for evaluations to be built in from the outset, many methods exist for evaluating interventions that do not include such a component. This lack remains a serious issue and will be remedied in REMEDIS. Only with a strong evidence base can researchers progress to conduct adequate evaluations. The results of sound evaluations are needed for enabling evidence-based policy and practice. Based on outcomes and working together with policymakers and practitioners from the field in the six countries involved, REMEDIS will implement evidence-based enhancements and improvements to existing interventions, develop evidence-based evaluation strategies, and carry out quantitative evaluations.
REMEDIS’s goal is the evidence-based enhancement of existing intervention initiatives to improve media literacy and digital skills, and the development of evidence-based approaches for evaluating the effectiveness of these initiatives. To achieve this, REMEDIS goes beyond the state of the art, integrating a range of disciplines (media and communication studies, pedagogy, psychology, sociology) and will:
1. Recalibrate and enhance the competence models in use in the REMEDIS countries that are meant to foster the media literacy and digital skills of specific sectors of the population.
2. Improve and enhance existing intervention strategies based on the evidence generated through co-design and co-creation across the different geographical and cultural contexts represented by the partners in the project.
3. Develop evidence-based methods and validated instruments for evaluating existing initiatives and intervention strategies by using a range of outcome measures and employing different designs and quantitative methods (e.g. experimental, quasi-experimental, and (matched) case-control).
4. Develop a user-friendly guide and toolkit that policymakers and practitioners can use to carry out their own evaluations. Drawing on evidence-based practices and evaluation methodologies, REMEDIS will demonstrate how to select, design, and implement evaluations in such contexts, and will develop a user-friendly guide and toolkit that policymakers and practitioners can use to carry out their own evaluations.
5. Produce evidence-based policy recommendations.
REMEDIS’s methodology follows a strictly evidence-based approach in the flow of the WPs and tasks that make up the project, following an approach that starts with the development of an evidence base identifying the driving factors fostering media literacy and digital skills, and which progresses by drawing on this evidence base to co-design and co-create activities leading to improvements and enhancements of existing initiatives fostering media literacy and digital skills; to evaluate the intervention strategies so as to optimise the effectiveness of the interventions, and to inform the development of evidence-based policy recommendations. REMEDIS's scientifically robust structure and methodology ensure that its policy recommendations stem from reliable, evidence-based, state-of-the-art research.
Adopting an evidence-based approach to REinvent MEdia literacy and DIgital Skills in Europe, REMEDIS seeks to further develop and evaluate intervention strategies in response to existing gaps in media literacy and digital skills in Europe. To accomplish this, REMEDIS 1) seeks to provide evidence-based factors influencing media literacy, digital skills and wellbeing in a large number of empirical (mostly quantitative) studies to inform media and literacy agencies and their partners; 2) to develop improvements through co-design and co-creation that will be implemented in 12 existing initiatives (2 per country involved in REMEDIS) in several life domains that are considered offering the most promise in fostering media literacy and digital skills among the general population or target groups from a lifelong perspective; and 3) develop evidence-based methods and indicators for the evaluation of these interventions. REMEDIS adopts an evidence-based flow in which each WP provides the inputs for each subsequent WP. WP 1: The development of a quantitative evidence base will enable us to identify the driving factors for media literacy and digital skills based on a systematic evidence review. WP 2: Co-development of enhancements and improvements of initiatives considered promising for fostering media literacy and digital skills together with the media literacy agencies and their partners in the six countries in which REMEDIS will operate; WP 3: Evaluation and validation of a selection of intervention strategies informed by the findings of WP 1 and WP 2; WP 4: REMEDIS fully integrates the results of WP3 in partnership with key policymakers/practitioners throughout the project through the implementation of the enhancements as a result of the outcomes of the evaluation strategies. The results of the project will lead to the development of evidence-based policy recommendations and an evaluation toolkit. Further REMEDIS WPs ensure dissemination and communication (WP 5), and exploitation (WP 6).
REMEDIS's concept is that in order to achieve evidence-based approaches to further develop and evaluate initiatives that foster media literacy and digital skills, a truly evidence-based structure must be followed. In accordance with this concept, REMEDIS adopts an innovative research strategy that first seeks to identify and quantify the most salient driving factors for media literacy and digital skills from a lifelong perspective and aims to synthesize the existing evidence concerning the effectiveness of current interventions fostering media literacy and digital skills.
The development of a responsive, forward-looking media literacy and digital skills policy lacks up-to-date knowledge and a deeper understanding of the media and digital literacy needs of citizens (young and older, specific target groups). What should a media-savvy citizen be able to do and know? How can we determine what media and digitally literate individuals or specific target groups are like? If we do not have adequate answers to these questions, we will not know which interventions can be used to foster media literacy and digital skills or how successful these interventions are. It is therefore necessary to provide a synthesis identifying the driving factors for media literacy and digital skills in a concrete, evidence-based manner. Aware of the current gaps and the lack of measurable units, together with the literacy agencies we propose the improvement and enhancement of 12 current initiatives considered representative and promising for fostering media literacy and digital skills in the six countries of REMEDIS. A set of advanced state-of-the-art evaluation methods will be put forward to adequately and validly assess the effectiveness of the intervention strategies aimed at improving the media literacy and digital skills of citizens from a life course perspective and in crucial domains of life.
What media and digital literacy interventions lack is the evaluation component. While it is best practice for evaluations to be built in from the outset, many methods exist for evaluating interventions that do not include such a component. This lack remains a serious issue and will be remedied in REMEDIS. Only with a strong evidence base can researchers progress to conduct adequate evaluations. The results of sound evaluations are needed for enabling evidence-based policy and practice. Based on outcomes and working together with policymakers and practitioners from the field in the six countries involved, REMEDIS will implement evidence-based enhancements and improvements to existing interventions, develop evidence-based evaluation strategies, and carry out quantitative evaluations.
REMEDIS’s goal is the evidence-based enhancement of existing intervention initiatives to improve media literacy and digital skills, and the development of evidence-based approaches for evaluating the effectiveness of these initiatives. To achieve this, REMEDIS goes beyond the state of the art, integrating a range of disciplines (media and communication studies, pedagogy, psychology, sociology) and will:
1. Recalibrate and enhance the competence models in use in the REMEDIS countries that are meant to foster the media literacy and digital skills of specific sectors of the population.
2. Improve and enhance existing intervention strategies based on the evidence generated through co-design and co-creation across the different geographical and cultural contexts represented by the partners in the project.
3. Develop evidence-based methods and validated instruments for evaluating existing initiatives and intervention strategies by using a range of outcome measures and employing different designs and quantitative methods (e.g. experimental, quasi-experimental, and (matched) case-control).
4. Develop a user-friendly guide and toolkit that policymakers and practitioners can use to carry out their own evaluations. Drawing on evidence-based practices and evaluation methodologies, REMEDIS will demonstrate how to select, design, and implement evaluations in such contexts, and will develop a user-friendly guide and toolkit that policymakers and practitioners can use to carry out their own evaluations.
5. Produce evidence-based policy recommendations.
REMEDIS’s methodology follows a strictly evidence-based approach in the flow of the WPs and tasks that make up the project, following an approach that starts with the development of an evidence base identifying the driving factors fostering media literacy and digital skills, and which progresses by drawing on this evidence base to co-design and co-create activities leading to improvements and enhancements of existing initiatives fostering media literacy and digital skills; to evaluate the intervention strategies so as to optimise the effectiveness of the interventions, and to inform the development of evidence-based policy recommendations. REMEDIS's scientifically robust structure and methodology ensure that its policy recommendations stem from reliable, evidence-based, state-of-the-art research.
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Profiloitumisalue: Hyvinvoinnin tutkimuksen yhteisö (Jyväskylän yliopisto JYU) JYU.Well; Monilukutaito oppimisessa ja yhteiskunnallisessa osallisuudessa (Jyväskylän yliopisto JYU) MultiLEAP; 2021-2026. Aiemmin RECLAS