A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
Teachers' daily physiological stress and positive affect in relation to their general occupational well‐being (2023)
Jõgi, A., Aulén, A., Pakarinen, E., & Lerkkanen, M. (2023). Teachers' daily physiological stress and positive affect in relation to their general occupational well‐being. British journal of educational psychology, 93(1), 368-385. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12561
JYU-tekijät tai -toimittajat
Julkaisun tiedot
Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajat: Jõgi, Anna‐Liisa; Aulén, Anna‐Mari; Pakarinen, Eija; Lerkkanen, Marja‐Kristiina
Lehti tai sarja: British journal of educational psychology
ISSN: 0007-0998
eISSN: 2044-8279
Julkaisuvuosi: 2023
Ilmestymispäivä: 06.11.2022
Volyymi: 93
Lehden numero: 1
Artikkelin sivunumerot: 368-385
Kustantaja: John Wiley & Sons
Julkaisumaa: Britannia
Julkaisun kieli: englanti
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12561
Julkaisun avoin saatavuus: Avoimesti saatavilla
Julkaisukanavan avoin saatavuus: Osittain avoin julkaisukanava
Julkaisu on rinnakkaistallennettu (JYX): https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/83928
Teachers' stress, affect and general occupational well-being influence their teaching and their students. However, how teachers' daily physiological stress and positive affect are related in the classroom is unknown. To reduce teachers' stress and enhance their positive affect, it is crucial to understand how occupational well-being relates to stress and affect.
The aim of the study was to examine the relationships between teachers' daily physiological stress and positive affect in authentic classroom settings and the roles played by teachers' self-efficacy beliefs, perceptions of school climate and burnout symptoms in daily stress and affect.
The sample consisted of 45 classroom teachers.
Daily physiological stress was assessed by measuring salivary cortisol levels three times in two days. Positive affect was reported by experience sampling at the same time that cortisol was collected. Questionnaires were used to assess self-efficacy beliefs, perceptions of school climate and burnout symptoms. Three-level modelling with random intercepts and slopes was used to analyse the relationships between daily stress and affect and the effect of teachers' general occupational well-being on stress and affect.
No relationships were evident between teachers' physiological stress and positive affect or between daily changes of stress and affect. Self-efficacy beliefs were related to lower stress and higher affect in the middle of the school day. Having sufficient school resources were related to higher positive affect. Teachers' burnout symptoms were associated with lower positive affect.
We emphasize the potential for self-efficacy and perceptions of school resources as targets for intervening in teachers' stress and affect.
YSO-asiasanat: opettajat; luokanopettajat; työhyvinvointi; stressi
Vapaat asiasanat: classroom teachers; daily assessment; occupational well-being; physiological stress; positive affect
Liittyvät organisaatiot
Hankkeet, joissa julkaisu on tehty
- Luokkahuonevuorovaikutusta säätelevät behavioraaliset ja psykofysiologiset mekanismit ja niiden yhteys oppimiseen ja motivaatioon
- Lerkkanen, Marja-Kristiina
- Suomen Akatemia
OKM-raportointi: Kyllä
VIRTA-lähetysvuosi: 2023
JUFO-taso: 2