A1 Journal article (refereed)
Adolescent reading and math skills and self-concept beliefs as predictors of age 20 emotional well-being (2024)
Torppa, M., Aro, T., Eklund, K., Parrila, R., Eloranta, A.-K., & Ahonen, T. (2024). Adolescent reading and math skills and self-concept beliefs as predictors of age 20 emotional well-being. Reading and Writing, 37, 2075-2099. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-023-10461-z
The research was funded by Strategic Research Council at the Research Council of Finland.
JYU authors or editors
Publication details
All authors or editors: Torppa, Minna; Aro, Tuija; Eklund, Kenneth; Parrila, Rauno; Eloranta, Anna-Kaija; Ahonen, Timo
Journal or series: Reading and Writing
ISSN: 0922-4777
eISSN: 1573-0905
Publication year: 2024
Publication date: 10/07/2023
Volume: 37
Pages range: 2075–2099
Publisher: Springer
Publication country: Netherlands
Publication language: English
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-023-10461-z
Publication open access: Openly available
Publication channel open access: Partially open access channel
Publication is parallel published (JYX): https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/88396
This study examines longitudinal associations among reading skills, math skills and emotional well-being in a Finnish sample (n = 586) followed from the end of comprehensive school (Grade 9, age 15–16) to age 20. In particular, we determine whether the associations between skills and well-being are mediated by self-concept beliefs. In Grade 9, the participants’ reading fluency, PISA reading comprehension and math skills were assessed in classrooms, and questionnaires were used to assess self-concept (global and skill-specific) and internalising problems. At age 20, questionnaires were used to self-report emotional well-being and educational attainment. The results showed no direct predictive association between academic skills and age-20 emotional well-being, while indirect effects from academic skills on emotional well-being were found for reading skills through reading comprehension self-concept belief and educational attainment and for math skills through global self-concept belief. In addition, adolescent global self-concept and internalising problems predicted age-20 emotional well-being. The results suggest that adolescent self-concept beliefs and internalising problems, rather than academic skills per se, can predict emotional problems in young adulthood.
Keywords: mathematics; reading; well-being; mathematical skills; literacy; young people
Free keywords: reading fluency; reading comprehension; mathematics; self-concept beliefs; emotional well-being
Contributing organizations
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Ministry reporting: Yes
VIRTA submission year: 2023
JUFO rating: 2