Satu Pekkala
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Active JYU affiliations
- Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Previous, inactive or other affiliations
- Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences (University of Jyväskylä), Academy Research Fellow, Ended
Fields of science
Follow-up groups
Projects as Principal investigator
- The microbiome matters - decision pathway for personalized treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease to prevent cardiovascular diseases
- The Finnish Foundation for Cardiovascular Research
- Identification of gut-derived factors responsible for
exercise-reward, physical inactivity and obesity- Research Council of Finland
- Personalized diet intervention to treat fatty liver
- Juho Vainio Foundation
- Gut microbes and metabolic disorders – dissection of the underlying preventive and causal mechanisms and development of personalized dietary treatment strategies
- Research Council of Finland
- Gut microbes and metabolic disorders-
dissection of the underlying preventive and causal mechanisms and development of personalized dietary treatment strategies- Research Council of Finland
- Gut microbes and metabolic disorders-
dissection of the underlying preventive and causal mechanisms and development of personalized dietary treatment strategies- Research Council of Finland
- Suolistomikrobiston ja rasvakudoksen roo
- Research Council of Finland
Projects as Team Member
- Gut microbiota in the battle against metabolic disorders
- Lensu, Sanna
- Finnish Cultural Foundation
- Reversing the genetic predisposition to the inactivity and development of Type 2 diabetes with fecal
transplants and gut microbiota ablation- Lensu, Sanna
- Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation