Minna Torppa
Contact search available for JYU staff members. ORCID link: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3834-9892 |
General description
My research interests include reading, spelling, math development, learning disabilities, and the interplay between learning, motivation, and well-being. I investigate for example the role of intergenerational transmission and the roles of home, daycare, and school environments on reading and math skills, motivation, and learning emotions.
Active JYU affiliations
- Department of Teacher Education, Professor
Previous, inactive or other affiliations
- Department of Teacher Education (University of Jyväskylä), Associate Professor, Ended
- Department of Teacher Education (University of Jyväskylä), Part-Time Teacher, Ended
- Department of Teacher Education (University of Jyväskylä), Apulaisprofessori, Ended
Fields of science
Follow-up groups
Projects as Principal investigator
- Technological and Societal Innovations to Cultivate Critical Reading in the Internet Era (CRITICAL)
- Research Council of Finland
- Pathways to math difficulties -A longitudinal study from birth to school-age
- European Commission
- Technological and Societal Innovations to Cultivate Critical Reading in the Internet Era
- Research Council of Finland
- Understanding risk and protective factors in reading development from birth to adulthood: A multifactorial framework
- Research Council of Finland
- Understanding risk and protective factors in reading development from birth to adulthood: A multifactorial framework
- Research Council of Finland
- Understanding risk and protective factors in reading development from birth to adulthood: A multifactorial framework
- Research Council of Finland
Projects as Team Member
- Reading intervention through co-teaching at Grade 2 in Helsinki
- Lerkkanen, Marja-Kristiina
- City of Helsinki
- Oppimisvaikeuksien pysyvyys ja niiden yhteys aikuisuuden elämänkulkuun II: ennaltaehkäisevät ja suojaavat tekijät
- Aro, Tuija
- Social Insurance Institution of Finland
- Korona-kriisin vaikutus kouluhyvinvointiin ja hyvinvointityöhön
- Aro, Tuija
- The Haukkala Foundation
- Competitive funding to strengthen university research profiles (Profi 8)
- Miettinen, Kaisa
- Research Council of Finland
- BrightNumbers - Building a Strong Foundation for a Successful Educational Pathway in Math
- Koponen, Tuire
- Research Council of Finland
- Neo-PRISM-C: NEurodevelopmental Optimal-Predictors, Risk factors, and Intervention from a Systems approach to Maladjustment in Children
- Leppänen, Paavo
- European Commission
Publications and other outputs
Author of research datasets
- CRITICAL JYU – Critical reading skills development and home environment (project dataset) (2023) Torppa, Minna; et al.
- Collaboration for Well-being in Schools (2023) ; Sainio, Miia; et al.
- Expert views on home/family -related factors that can support or hinder children's critical reading skill development – A Delphi survey study dataset (2023) Torppa, Minna; et al.
- Hyvinvointityö ja työyhteisöjen hyvinvointi keskisuomalaisissa kouluissa 2020 (2023) Sainio, Miia; et al.; URN: https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3611
- Interaction, Development and Learning (VUOKKO): A longitudinal study from toddlerhood to grade 5 (2024) Salminen, Jenni; et al.
- Metadata of the study: Interaction, development & learning (VUOKKO) - A longitudinal study from toddlerhood to Grade 3 (2024) Nurminen, Tiia; et al.